Rants Thanksgiving, the Incredible Shrinking Holiday by Chris Holmes November 8, 2013 For those no… Read the rest...
Rants Is There a Proper Way to Appreciate Nostalgia? by Chris Holmes November 7, 2013 “… Read the rest...
Music, Rants I come not to bury jazz, but to praise it by Chris Holmes August 12, 2009 I might as we… Read the rest...
Rants, Sports Now accepting donations for a DirecTV subscription by Chris Holmes August 7, 2008 I’m n… Read the rest...
Rants, Sports, TV & Radio Mixed (message) martial arts by Chris Holmes February 29, 2008 CBS recentl… Read the rest...
Advertising, Rants Sweaty feet = profits by Chris Holmes January 22, 2008 Just when I t… Read the rest...