Hansen and perverts and tasers that sting…
…these are a few of my favorite things!
There are so many things to love about this newest segment of Dateline‘s “To Catch a Predator,” I don’t know where to begin (if you want the money shot, skip to the five-minute mark). First off, this guy is willing to drive almost six hours to hook up with someone he had just started chatting with. Folks, sexual perversion and a complete lack of impulse control are a dangerous mix.
Next, despite the fact that this creep is in the house (and presumably about to seal the deal), he still feels the need to lie about himself to impress the ladies. I don’t know much about police work, but I’m pretty sure they don’t promote to lieutenant after just one year on the force (turns out he was a trainee for about two months then got the boot).
I like the new “Predator” touch – the usual wet bar setup has been replaced by a much more intimate “dueling Barcalounger” motif. The predator’s chair even has a back massage pad!
Now for that aforementioned money shot – hot taser action! This guy had already dug his own grave by telling the decoy that he carried his gun everywhere with him, so the real police were ready for him when he tried to go back to his car. Within seconds he’s tased, and proceeds to run through the house and scream like a sorority girl during a panty raid. The “don’t tase me bro” goof took it with more dignity than this clown.
I suggest you go back and watch that arrest again. I know I just did.
The best part of the entire video is when he breaks into his high pitched girlish squeals as he’s being tased and chased around. Priceless!