New trailer confirms that, yup, a fourth season of Jersey Shore

Jersey Shore in Italy (Season 4)

For those still concerned about our alarmingly large trade deficit, never fear — we are now exporting our garbage to other nations. How else to explain this trailer for the upcoming fourth season of the runaway MTV hit Jersey Shore?

OK, let’s see what we got here.

  • JWoww is still preoccupied with her boobs.
  • The dancing in Italy is just as awful as the dancing in Seaside Heights.
  • No orifice for any of the housemates is off limits.
  • Snookie gets behind the wheel and fulfills at least two stereotypes.
  • Everybody hates the Situation.
  • Ronnie finds a way to let his roid rage explode in another continent.
  • The Situation gets the beatdown he has so rightfully deserved for, well forever probably.

The only question left unanswered is, how do you say “national embarrassment” in Italian?

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