Rush meets Colbert, Part Deux
OK, that was pretty damn cool. Although it seems that many people are pissed at Colbert’s antics while Rush performed “Tom Sawyer” on last night’s The Colbert Report, I didn’t think it was a big deal. I’ve (hopefully) embedded a few clips from the Comedy Central website (if you don’t see it, go here), so judge for yourselves…
First, it appeared to me that Geddy was a little nervous, which is odd. Maybe I’m just imagining things. Also, it was weird seeing Neil as part of the interview, given his reputation as the most reclusive when it comes to interviews and media in general. But his dry sense of humor was evident, which was cool to see (“They all have their own names.”). Alex was, well, Alex. He looks a little thinner than in recent years, although the whole Friar Tuck thing is unfortunate.
The interview was hilarious, particularly the “Do you ever get tired of being awesome and kicking ass?” and “Have you ever written a song so epic that by the end of the song you are actually being influenced by yourself at the beginning of the song?” questions. And yes, I think Neil Peart may in fact have a drum dependency.
The performance was predictably solid, at least what we saw of it. This is where the semi-controversy kicks in, since the song was interrupted by Colbert. Some people appreciated the shtick, others were offended. I didn’t mind, and found it funny. I don’t think he was being disrespectful, and really, it’s not like they were trying to play a song most of us haven’t heard a thousand times already.
What the clip doesn’t show is the start of the program, which was peppered with Rush references and graphics. So considering it’s only a half-hour show, they dedicated quite a bit to the guys. I just don’t get why it’s taken so long for them to get back on American TV.
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Neil has only been truly reclusive for the last 12 years. He did interviews readily with the rest of the band up until 1996 when his daughter (and only child) and common law wife died within a year of each other. He almost gave up drumming completely but slowly found his way back. He has declined interviews in recent years because he didn’t want to have to answer questions and deal with the heart break publicly, and we all know how incredibly insensitive the media can be. He has started doing more interviews again and getting more involved with the publicity. Nice to see him back!!