Brochure Beauties #2: For Your Safety in “Ditching”

Anyone who’s flown on an airplane in the last several years knows just how dry and serious the pre-flight safety overview is. But at one time, and at least on one airline, safety wasn’t just sensible, it was fun!

For proof I offer this circa 1950s safety brochure from Pacific Northern Airlines, entitled “For Your Safety in ‘Ditching,'” which provided a serious but not somber look at what to do if your flight crew has to attempt a water landing. But really it’s all about those fantastic mid-century illustrations.

For Your Safety in "Ditching" (1950s Pacific Northern Airlines Safety Brochure)

I ask you — has having to evacuate an airplane in the middle of the ocean ever looked like so much fun?!

For Your Safety in "Ditching" (1950s Pacific Northern Airlines Safety Brochure)Pacific Northern, incidentally, was acquired by Western Airlines in 1967.