Scrubs – “I’m not dead yet!”
I’m not sure how to react to the news that Scrubs will in fact be back for a seventh and final season on NBC. As I opined back in March, this season has been a big disappointment. I will temper that by admitting that over the last 5 or 6 episodes the quality has improved dramatically, but not quite to the consistently awesome level of previous years. I still have some issues with the way the series has developed this year (way too much toilet humor – and in the case of the last episode that was literal; the increasingly tired J.D./Elliot relationship woes; having to look at Christa Miller’s botched plastic surgery, etc.), but I suppose things have improved enough that I am willing to watch the last season and see how things wrap up. It is only 18 episodes so I guess I can handle that. Besides, it will be on right after The Office, so I won’t have to bother changing the channel.
I’ve only caught the show in repeats so I haven’t seen anything past JD knocking that chick up. I generally find the older episodes funnier, but I didn’t dislike any of the ones in season 5 either. They were good, but less good than early on.
And Christa Miller’s face has been fucked for years. She needs to sue whoever cut her.