Who’s Who? I am, of course.
Before I jettison this little nugget into the cold, dark vacuum of Outlook’s Deleted Items folder I wanted to preserve it for posterity:
You were recently appointed as a biographical candidate to represent your industry in the Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals, and for inclusion into the upcoming 2007-2008 Edition of the registry.We are pleased to inform you that on November 15th, your candidacy was approved. Your confirmation for inclusion will be effective within five business days, pending our receipt of the enclosed application.
The Office of the Managing Director appoints individuals based on a candidate’s current position, and usually with information obtained from researched executive and professional listings. The director thinks you may make an interesting biographical subject, as individual achievement is what Who’s Who is all about. Upon final confirmation you will be listed among thousands of accomplished individuals in the Madison Who’s Who Registry. There is no cost to be included.
We do require additional information to complete the selection process and kindly ask that you access this form on our website:
Click here to register
To ensure your biographical data is received in time, please complete the online form above as soon as possible. Our editorial deadline is quickly approaching.
Matthew Johnson
Managing Editor
Well I have to say, I’m honored. And by honored I mean confused and slightly annoyed. After poking around the inter-nets to research Madison Who’s Who it seems they are offering me the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pay to get my name put on a list made up of other people who paid for the same thing. Now that’s networking!
I actually considered for a minute responding just as a goof, but my Spidey Sense tells me it’d be more hassle than it’s worth. I think I’ll just stick to having my cat talk to telemarketers.
The Original Ripoff Report Title:
The Original Ripoff Report Text:
BEWARE! These are theives and frauds! They call from “restricted” numbers and steal money from people!!! I called to complain about unauthorized charges to my credit card, having never previously heard of “Madison Who’s Who” (I am in Marquis Who’s Who Among American Teachers.) They charged me 20% to reverse charges neither made nor authorized by me. I spoke to the same man over and over under the following names: “Jonathan Martin” “Financial Director” “Justin” in “Finance” “Sean Martin” “Director of Operations” and “Andrew Jones” “Managing Partner” (who said there was no one above him in the company.) It turns out that my card was used by a 15-year-old relative because they called and pushed her into acting immediately-and obviously a 15-year-old child does not have the experience to deal with a hard sell. They called to include her lawn mowing enterprise so that she could make money over the summer. Mr. Jones suggested that the 20% fee was my punishment for not knowing that the child used my card. (I was at work.) After several threatening and belligerent phone calls, I finally agreed to accept the reversal- although I provided verification from my bank proving that the charges were unauthorized and a statement of the fact. Because they said, “you’ll take 80% or you’ll get nothing”, Mr. Jones was becoming increasingly rude and insulting, and my planning period was ending. I just looked up “Madison Who’s Who” and the names that were given to me are NOT the names on the Contact page. Sean Martin’s “position” is actually filled by a woman. On top of all that, the child with whom they initially entered into an agreement never received any of the benefits promised. They did not verify that she has a fictional BA from a fictional college (“The University of Arts”). They did not verify her identity. They did not verify her age. This company pushes children into entering into agreements with them, runs credit cards without verification and then charges the unsuspecting credit card owner a “fee” for reversing the charges. This information has been forwarded to the FCC and the FTC as well as the FBI unit for internet scams. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION OR MONEY, MADISON WHO’s WHO IS A COMPANY FOUNDED ON FRAUD, LIES AND DISREPUTABLE, UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES!!!